Pregnancy is an incredible and exciting journey to motherhood! Along the way, many changes take place in your body while your baby is growing. During pregnancy, bones in your spine and pelvis move more freely to make room for your baby. This new position of the bones frequently causes increased pain in the pelvis and lower back. Abnormal positioning of the pelvic bones can interfere with the position and development of baby and can make delivery more challenging. All of our Doctors are trained and certified in a specific technique, called the Webster technique to identify and treat subluxation, or misalignment, in the pelvis of pregnant women through gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments. A balanced and well aligned pelvis for Mom, means a relaxed and comfortable environment for baby to grow and thrive.
All the changes happening in a woman’s body while pregnant require compensations throughout her pelvis and spine, and this can lead to imbalances in pelvic muscles and ligaments. Some of these ligaments support her growing uterus. When the pelvic bones are balanced, the uterus is able to enlarge symmetrically with the growing baby. When they are out of balance, these ligaments pull on the uterus unequally, and may cause it to torque, reducing the amount of room for the developing baby. This is called intrauterine constraint.
In some cases, this constraint can prevent the baby from getting into the best possible position for birth. When this occurs it is known as a breech or malposition, and it can lead to longer, more painful labors with increased medical interventions, including c-sections.
More than just care for low back pain, many mothers have come to recognize the vital role that chiropractic care plays in a healthy pregnancy. A properly functioning spine and nervous system is an important part of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. Many mothers report back to their chiropractors that regular adjustments helped them feel healthier during their pregnancy. It has helped decrease their morning sickness, facilitated shorter labor and delivery times and increased an overall sense of well-being